Saturday, September 26, 2015

The "F" word
"Feminims in Jeopardy"
Kristin Rowe Finkbeiner


Kristin Finkbeiner wrote "The F word" to speak on behalf of the jounery women have been on since existence. She breaks down generations by waves, the first, second and third. The first wave helped women receive the right to vote. Finkbeiner reminds us that women to this day are still fighting for a whole sense of independence and freedom to vote for all that men can vote for.

Truth famously countered men who said that women "are weak and need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches."
This quote represented how women were being treated during the 1800's and early 1900's as well as before. They were seen as property that had to be protected. Women were seen as second to a man because the man was person in the family who worked to bring home the bread, while the woman would take care of the child.  Women are underestimated, the group of women fighting for the right to vote were relentless. They did not give up, some women were put in jail, fined and took part in hunger strikes and some were apart of marches on Washington, such as Alice Paul.

Women weren't working for pay. It was just the way of life," says my grandmother.
Her grandmother continued by saying "This is not true of all women, you know. This is only true of those women who were fortunate enough to be able to do it."

At this point, it was nearing the end of the first wave of women's fight. Even though women had the right to vote, it did not allow women to do too much else. Women at the time were only allowed to be a school teacher, secretary, libraian, nurse which was called "women's work." Women had made a slight tap on the glass. It was a new idea for the country to think women had valuable opinions in regards to voting for political seats. Within the ability to vote, not all women could vote. There were women such as Harriet Tubman, who resuced slaves did not have the right to vote. It only included women who were white with middle class or upper class status. This movement of "freedom" had begun but it was only the very beginning. In this time women did have a "window" of a world but their "window" was half of what a man's window was. Women were fighting to pull the rest of their "window" out of the dirt so they could have equality in their life.

Irina Dunn said "A women without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."
This was stated around the time when the second wave began. This wave focused on women's independence from and equality with men. They ran with the power of being able to vote, right to electoral advocacy, and right to create legislative solutions to make a stronger break into the "window."

Regardless of the politically related rights women had, they were like a helpless fish. They were expected to be at home, watching the children, making dinner and cleaning the house. With the slight exception of the women who could work outside the home but those jobs women could do were limited. Women were stuck to men like glue, they were physically unable to be their own person. It would be taboo to  consider themselves "single" or have a child with someone other than your husband. Women were not being held up to their true standards. I found it humorous because for almost a year my friend was the parent working outside the home,  bringing home the bread to her child. Her significant other did not have a job with benefits and good pay like my friend. It was not an easy time for my sister. However, It was empowering to see my sister as the "head of the house."

It is sad because it was not accepted to be dating a signficant other and have a child with them. Life was like "my way or the highway" when going up against social norms.

Looking back on the role women played in history frustrates me. Reading text like "The Good Wife's Guide", stating to prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your makeup, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot of work weary people." Honestly, I believe that I should not have to look a certain way for someone who I may have feelings for whether there is a marital status. For example, some days I would come home from school. My mom would be finishing up some around the house. She would not be wearing anything special and she did not have any make up on her face. Its normal, to do house work you should feel comfortable so you can get your "things to do" done.

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